BBTag Terms of Service
By creating public tags using the BBTag system, I acknowledge and agree to the following:
I will not create public tags containing Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content.
NSFW content is defined by but not limited to the following
- Being sexually explicit or suggestive
- Containing any other content that may be considered unsuitable for the workplace, school, or any other public setting
- These criteria may be further defined by individual or specific review.
- NSFW content is allowed if the tag would execute an {nsfw} tag in all scenarios that NSFW content would be sent to discord. This will restrict the output to only be visible in channels marked as NSFW in discord.
NSFW content is defined by but not limited to the following
I will not create public tags containing illegal or unsafe content
Illegal content is defined by but not limited to the following
- Child pornography
- Copywritten material that is not your own IP (Intellectual Property), including duplicates of existing tags
- Gore, scat, or other content that may cause others to feel ill at ease
- These criteria may be further defined by individual or specific review.
Illegal content is defined by but not limited to the following
I will not create public tags that attack, abuse, or offend
individuals or minorities. This is defined by but not limited to the
- Personal insults or attacks
- Excessive racism or intolerance
- DOXXing
- Spamming (DM or otherwise)
I will not create public tags which claim to give rewards for
- I acknowledge that spreading misinformation about favouriting tags may get my favourite counter reset.
I acknowledge that violating these terms will
- Cause my tag to be deleted
- Potentially cause me to be blacklisted from the system
- Force me to undergo any other sort of restriction or punishment.